My cousin Vanessa has been breathing down my neck for her pictures of her & her bf Shah, for like a couple of weeks now. Well, to my maid-of-honor, I give you your beautiful & exquisite pictures. I hope you enjoy them as much I have enjoyed viewing them & preparing them for you.
We had such a great time shooting all around the Vegas strip & by the local park. I was even treated to a SUPREME all-you-can-eat sushi dinner that the couple LOVES to grub on as much as they can. They sure do know a way to my heart with feeding me some OIY-KAN-NEE (all-you-can-eat), as my Aunt one time so thought that me & my cousins were going to a restaurant called oiy-kan-nee, gosh it was so funny.
Thank you Ness & Shah for a wonderful session. We will have to do it again real soon!
Go REDSKINS!! Ness & Shah love them some football & the Redskins.
I LOVE shoes & so do they... Nike core!
I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this one. I think it should be an ad for Cartier or some other dramatic high end brand. Such passion, makes me smile & go "Awwwwww.... so cute!"
We shot these at the new City Center, Crystals retail & entertainment center. It was such a great backdrop for the couple who do love fashion & all things fancy. "Oh you fancy huh....!"
Pretty Pretty Princess
In case you were wondering what my other dog Sookie was for Halloween this year, here are a few pics of her sitting pretty as a little doll / little rascal that she is. My mom was so kind enough to sew her custom ballerina tutu for her. She wasn't a huge fan of the darn costume, but she was cool for a few minutes to let me take a few snapshots of her.
Sookie the Little Ballerina Princess.
Sookie the Little Ballerina Princess.
Ness+Shah Teaser, Las Vegas
I was in Vegas last week on a tag-a-long business trip with my husband, which was UBER fun by the way, even though I spent the daytime by myself working. My cousin, Ness & her bf, Shah, were kind enough to allow me to shoot them after they got off of work, for my photography portfolio. I guess I have to state that, they are not really engaged..... but @Shah no pressure , dude!!!
Here are some fun teaser shots we took at a local park by there house. They had so much fun throwing the football around, running around, wrestling a little, & being silly. Ness & Shah are huge Redskins fans, so I thought it was oh so appropriate for them to wear matching Redskins tees. I LOVE you two so much. Definitely more to come...... Check back soon.
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