To my surprise, this lamp below inspired me to share this post with you today. The base of this lamp is made out of carved wood letters. Almost as if the designer fused wood block letters together. So beautiful! The lamp was accented with a dark gray burlap round shade. This lamp would look so sick in a dimmed, masculine den.
SOOO romantique! (insert French-English accent here).
How wicked cool are these ceramic jars below.....?!?!? I.Don't.Know.What.Anything.Says...... but I so wanted to place them in my cart and find a home for these neat treasures. Maybe I'll go back soon (tomorrow) & buy them & add them to my typography collection. Just gotta get the husband to sign-off on them.... hehehehe!
Lastly, I saw this chair tucked away in the corner of the store. For $299.99, they can keep it... sheesh, I hope it goes on clearance soon, then maybe I'll reconsider it. This piece still gives me great inspiration for a pattern design. I'm digging the raw calligraphic type all over the chair. I thought this chair would be a perfect office/desk chair.