A little facelift : tawnydoan // dot // com


I gave myself a little facelift.... to my {dot.com} I mean! I think you should check it out. I added images of recent projects and updated pics by my friend & fab photographer Connie Lyu of Connie Lyu Photography. Don't forget to continue visiting my blog for my most updated projects & ramblings. Go "like" my facebook page & follow me on twitter, pinterest & instagram!

Stop by & say "hello!" on this page.

Engagement Party: Brittany+Grant


I'm SO excited to post this particular engagement....... you know why???...... Cuz my sister-in-law & soon-to-be brother-in-law are ENGAGED to be married. Yaaahooo! Oh happy day! Their engagement party was a success - many thanks to the brides parents (uhhh-hemm... my in-laws) for hosting a fantastic afternoon celebration.

Here are a few snapshots of the absolutely adorable couple & the bridal party, which they so graciously announced at the party. They also described each of the bridal party members and how much each person means to the couple. 

Engagement invitation (designed by: yours truly!)

Lots of smooches.

Bridal Party
Phew... snuck in just in time. Bridesmaid....whut whut!

i heart gymnastics


Happy Thursday ya'll!

Now that gymnastics is over for this 2012 London Olympics, I can get back to my normal sleeping schedule.... hahaha! Dang NBC *fist shaking* showed gymnastics so late in the evening that I was kinda thrown off my bedtime.

Congrats to the US Women's Gymnastics team for bringing home the gold! I was so proud of them, I felt like I was their mother. I can only imagine how my parents felt when I was competing as a young gymnast. My mom used to tell me that she wouldn't breathe during any of my routines until I dismounted & stuck my landing. Those days are way in the past, but I thank my mom & dad for letting me do my gymnastics thang.  Here's a pic that is still hanging in my parents bedroom hallway. I'm on top of the world!! =) 

Just my TYPE Tuesdays: Food TYPE


It's been a while, hasn't it?!?! I've had this post for a some time now, and finally have some time to post it today.  Enjoy =)

Appetizing isn't it?.......... So literal, I love it so much! Food AND type? Wowie... what a combo! This original design project focuses on the food pyramid, bound in a book as a collection of typographical art. Check out more images & fun foodie type here.

Happy Tuesday everyone!!


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