Weekend Wrap Up: Photo challenge project


One of my resolutions for 2013 is to create more fine art & get back to my roots of finding inspiration in the world around me. Last week I decided to challenge myself to do a photo study of the sunset on my way home from work. Southern California has been blasted with some pretty low temperatures lately with a few storms that rolled through making for some gorgeous late afternoon sunsets. If you follow me on Instagram, then you would have seen these wonderful sunsets on my feed. I tried really hard to take the photos in the same spot every time, but hey..... I was driving trying not to get caught by the po-po (it will never happen again, sorry honey).

So in conclusion to my photo study, I have taken the colors of the sky on various days & have applied them to some projects I am currently working on. Stay tuned for those project posts. I quite enjoyed giving myself this creative challenge. What should I challenge myself with this week? How do you challenge yourself creatively? I would love to hear your ideas!!!

Photos by: Tawny Doan via Instagram

Color // LOVE: 2013 Pantone Color of the Year


Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah..... I'm green with envy. 

Introducing the 2013 Pantone Color of the Year, Emerald! I do love me some vivid emerald pops of color. Also, which happens to be my birthstone as well. I'm excited to see what creatives will come up with for this year's cool hue! 

Pantone's past superstar colors [2007-2012]

Photos via: www.pantone.com

Type // LOVE : iPhone Type


Loving these type inspired iPhone cases right now from Society6. My personal fave is the first one below titled Sanswich..... geeky typography humor... makes me chuckle. Which one should I choose?

Photos via: society6

Weekend Wrap Up: NorCal Holiday


Happy 2013 EVERYONE!

I hope everyone had a nice holiday season and New Year's celebration. It's so fantastic to look back & see what you have accomplished through out the last year. My year was amazeballs!! Full of adventures, laughs, loves & shenanigans (of course!). I can't wait to see how 2013 turns out. Seems like every year gets busier & busier, however busy means good. I am ready for you 2013.... bring it on!

I know this post is a schmidge late, but I finally got some time to slow down and organize myself. My husband & I took a little holiday to Northern California to spend some time together & reconnect. With our busy work schedules it's tough to make time to enjoy each others company. We traveled to the Napa/Sonoma wine country area to check out the local wineries & breweries. Food options weren't too bad either. Some of the best rated restaurants in the world are all located in this area & it was a pleasure to enjoy some of them. Brunching on local wine & cheese was my fave!

After a few days in wine country, we headed for "The City". San Francisco was delightful. A city full of different culture, it reminds me so much of NYC, just more laid back. We spent our NYE celebrating in the city with some classic French cuisine and a fine bottle of vino we bought from a small local Sonoma winery. I must say, I had so much fun spending time with my handsome honey. I can't wait to take another trip back up there. The views are so gorgeous, it's crazy it's still the same state. Almost feels like your in another country. 

Photos by: Tawny Doan via Instagram


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