Betty's Bridal Shower


I had the pleasure of being invited to my good friend/client/bride-to-be, Betty's bridal shower.  A Manhattan Beach residence was the perfect setting for a lovely afternoon dessert party to celebrate the upcoming nuptials of Betty+Elliot.

The beachside, spanish style home was decorated beautifully by hosts the maid and matron of honors, Michelle & Annie.  They planned out  an awesome day for the for the ladies in attendance.  Let me just say now.... as a person who lives WAY further inland, the weather could not be more perfect for this special slightly chilly beachy day. My cousin, Chef Jan-Michael, put out a TO DIE FOR, mouth savoring, nom-nom kind of spread.  His love  & passion for food shined through & through & for sure brought huge smiles to the ladies faces & stomachs.  As favors, the maid & matron of honors sent each guest home with pickings from the dessert table.  I know I left happy, super FULL of deliciousness & sugar!  My choice to indulge was was killer on my hour & a half drive home.  I just wanted nap time.

I made it home safely.  CONGRATS again to Betty+Elliot!  I can't wait for your wedding day!!


Mini cupcakes with Nutella frosting.

Flatbread pizza with smoked salmon, red onion, basil, tomato, mozzarella, & olive oil. 

Chef Jan-Michael hard at work creating the perfect presentation.  Beef & chicken skewers with a savory glaze sauce.

Toilet paper roll wedding gown game.

Time for DESSERT....... Nom nom!

Can I borrow that book too?  As a Filipino-American woman, I only know how to make adobo..... oh AND steamed rice. Ok.Ok. I cheat, I use the rice cooker.  I'm such a horrible Filipino.

Risque business..... OoooOoooo La Laaaa!

Betty & her bridal party.

Thank you Nina for hosting the elegant party at your new house.

Betty & Michelle, Maid of Honor.

Betty & Annie, Matron of Honor.

This is why I required a nap on my way home.  Pasta with a homemade bolognese sauce.


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