Invitation Design: Bunco & Beer Bonanza


B-U-N-C-O...... pronounced like bunk-co. 

It's a known as a suburban elder lady dice game played with her fellow elder lady friends. Kind of like the Red Hat Society.....but without the red hats.

I've played bunco a few times before this & had a blast. I always forget the how to play, but when you start to play, the game gets intense AND insanely loud!! My husband gave me the O.K. to throw a bunco party. I.... being the clever gal that I am..... themed the party Bunco AND Beer Bonanza! I must admit, the beer sampling played a huge role at our party. By the end of the evening, the name of the game was changed to Drunko!!

We invited our family & close friends to join us & play. Everyone was skeptical about the game, knowing it was an "old lady" game. However, like I said earlier, the beer thing really kept things interesting. 

Overall, I think (hope) the party was a success. Everyone who had attended the party are already asking when the next Bunco & Beer Bonanza will be. I guess we will see.... hahaha!

Here are shots of the invitations I mailed out to my guests. We used an air horn to start & stop each round. Big mistake... the head table was thoroughly enjoying blowing that darn thing. I hope our neighbors didn't get too annoyed. Oh well.

By the end of the 3 games & when the tally marks were counted, we had to have a roll off to determine who would win a prize. Our long-time friend Josh won the roll off & was a runner up for the most bunco's. And the girl who won it all, was our good friend Adrianna, who by the way I am designing their wedding invites for their October wedding (soon to come). =)




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