I'm turning Chinese (not Japanese)


I love that 80s song..... but in this case, I've turned Chinese.

Sorry folks for the pause in posts, but I have been away on business these past few weeks. I never thought I would get an opportunity to tour the world on business. Although its work, I manage to have fun in the midst of all the stress that comes along with the job. I thought I would share a little bit of my travels to China & Hong Kong.

A quick plane ride... 16 and a half hours later, I found myself half way across the world in a place where mah-jor business happens. When you see on items that you purchase from the retail store "Made in China," you may feel that everything nowadays is "Made in China." I can honestly say...... the Chinese people do indeed make everything!!! Such an amazing experience to do business with wonderful & intelligent people.  

Not only was going away for business a fantastic career opportunity, I was able to explore the vast culinary cuisine China had to offer. Just call me the Asian girl version of Andrew Zimmern. This was actually my second visit to the country, so I was prepared to feast on the exotic eats.

Below was our menu of choice........ and YES, I did eat each & everyone of them. Not too bad at all.
Hong Kong nights.

We ended the work day early & hit up the department stores in Time Square.
I really think about half of the 1.3 billion population was in the Sogo department store while we tried to shop around. Talk about a crazy mob of people. It was like there were mad black Friday sales going on & everyone was trying to buy the deals.

I also noticed cars in other countries. This was a funny Toyota van driving next to us. So goofy looking, but extremely useful to taxi people around in.


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