i heart l.e.t.t.e.r.p.r.e.s.s.


For this weeks blog, I would like to express my infinite l.o.v.e. for the art of letterpress printing. Thank you to Mr. Johannes Gutenberg, in 1440, who is credited with the invention of modern movable type printing from individually-cast, reusable letters set together in a form (frame). Letterpress printing is relief printing of text and image using a press with a "type-high bed" printing press and movable type, in which a reversed, raised surface is inked and then pressed into a sheet of paper to obtain a positive right-reading image.

I would also like to give a shout out AND a huge THANKS to Scott at Spiffy Press for helping me create such lovely business cards.  I think they turned out UGH-MAZING.... & even if you don't think so, just smile & nod anyways.... *fist shaking.*

Here are some detail shots of how they turned out.

Front facing.
Close up detail shot.  Beautiful 2 rounded corners.
Back side of biz card.
Front side of biz card laying flat.

I do indeed heart letterpress!
Below are some of my favorite quotes presented beautifully by the art of letterpress printing.

How could I leave out such a fantastic, almost used everyday, from one of the funniest TV shows EVER "The Office",  & most often inappropriate.... but sooooo appropriate quote, "That's what she said." Also designed by Scott at Spiffy Press.

The color & precision of this postcard are exceptionally exquisite.

I am so honored & stoked to finally create a letterpress wedding invitation stationary set for one of my good friends from high school.  This bride-to-be is the sweetest gal you will ever meet AND she has such a modern & sophisticated style to her wedding details.  I will post more about these details later.  Below is just a teaser letterpress invitation..... I DIE for the intricate details of this invitation.  Wowee!


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