Miki & Friends


"Care for a spot of tea?" (said with an English accent).

Afternoon tea at The Langham Hotel in Pasadena, CA, was a nice way to spend a slightly chilly, sunny, & beautiful Saturday. The girls arrived one by one, dropped off by there parents & began to congregate in the lush & serene hotel courtyard. Tea length dresses, rosy cheeks, & a little bit of lip gloss. These tweens were ready to celebrate my cousin, Miki's 12th birthday in style.

Oh..... to be 12 years of age once again (insert *sigh here). I remember when I was 12. I was a spunky little gymnast without a care in the world. Traveling to gymnastic competitions all over the region, winning & losing some medals. Trying to be "cool" by putting glitter in my hair to make sure I literally sparkled while I tumbled & flipped through the air to impress the judges. Hey.... don't judge me.... I aimed to impress, even at age 12. Being 12 was such an easy age. I really appreciate my parents for putting up with my hectic competition schedule. They did not really get a weekend. I was there weekend. Now as an adult, the weekend is my down time from the crazy work week. I LOVE weekends & wish weekends were at least a day longer. Thanks mom & dad for motivating me to be a good athlete & for being my ride to my competitions. I really did love each moment I spent flipping, tumbling, twisting, turning, falling, & crying. It made me a stronger person to deal with daily life challenges.

Enough reminiscing for now. I know Miki was super appreciative of her mom & family for planning a lovely afternoon with her closest friends. She got all dolled up for the occasion & looked so beautiful, like the young lady she is growing up to be. Man she makes me feel old! They grow so fast.

I was invited to share in her special day & was able to document the afternoon. I designed this invitation for her party to play up the "Tea Time" theme. I wanted to make sure each guest got the point of the Tea party theme by designing the invitation to look like a tea bag itself. I had so much fun designing this cutesy themed invitation for my beloved cousin Mikayla.

Detail below.

Little Ladies.

Delish scones & to die for desserts.

Front of the Hotel.

So youthful.

Funny face or Smile?!?!

Happy Happy 12th Birthday Mikayla!!
I hope you enjoyed your special day.


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